sell your motorcycle

Keeping a useless motorcycle in your garage is only a waste of money and an added stress on your mind. You can no longer drive it on the road. Instead, you will have to bear all the mess that it would create in your garage. On the other hand, if you sell your motorcycle to potential buyers, you would not only get rid of all your troubles but will also receive enough cash to be spent on something useful.

Steps to be taken while selling a motorcycle

The process of selling a motorcycle might be new for a person with little or no experience in the business, but it is far simpler as one would imagine. If you follow simple steps, then selling a motorcycle will no longer be a hassle for you.

Preparing the motorcycle and important documents:

  1. Get your motorcycle ready: Make sure that your motorcycle is clean and free from dust before you show it to the buyer. Also, make sure to prepare all the necessary documents that would be required for the transaction.
  2. Check for repair requirements: Inspect your motorcycle for repairs and if they are small and cost less, do get them done by a professional mechanic.
  3. Develop a proper understanding of the market for used motorcycles: Before you start negotiating with the buyers, make sure that you have proper understanding regarding the market price and demand for used motorcycles. This would equip you with enough knowledge which will help you in a successful transaction.
  4. Set a selling price in advance: With a thorough understanding of the market price, you would be able to set a selling price before-hand. Do remember to set the selling price slightly higher than your expectation to provide you a margin during negotiation.

Transparent and effective communication with potential buyers:

  1. Evaluate the credibility of the buyers: Before you finalize a buyer to sell your motorcycle, you must make sure that you have read critical information posted on the website. You may also read the client reviews and have a fair enough idea regarding the credibility of the buyers.
  2. Negotiate by meeting in-person with the buyer: Even though a major part of negotiation can be completed online or through phone, in-person meeting is always helpful in cracking a profitable deal. Through face to face interaction, you can better explain the buyer and show him your car so that he has a better idea of its condition.
  3. Make provisions for a test drive: As most of the buyers insist on getting a test drive before you sell your motorcycle to them, you must make necessary arrangements for the same. When you are shortlisting for a place for a test drive, make sure that the area is not accident-prone. The traffic should be less and the location must be far from the main city. However, selecting such a location might increase the possible risk from scammers who may try to harm you and snatch away your car. In such a situation, it is recommended that you ask some of your friends to accompany you for support.
  4. Only accept the payments in cash: Once you have finalized the deal, ask the buyer to pay you the entire amount on the spot before handing over your motorcycle to them. While the buyer may insist on partial payment followed by periodic installments, you must stress on getting the entire amount to be paid in cash. This would serve two purposes. Firstly, since you would be getting instant cash in hand, you can spend that amount on some useful purpose. Secondly, since you will be getting the entire amount, you won’t be worried about any default in the future. Many times, the buyers who are eager to pay partial amounts do not show up in the future and leave the owner in dire frustration.

If you are planning to sell a motorcycle, then you must opt for, which is a highly reputed company in the US. With over 350 offices, the company is widely spread across the country. Moreover, with many years of experience in this industry, the company can offer high-quality services to its clients.

Read commonly asked queries on selling a motorcycle

  1. Sell my motorcycle: What strategy did you use to sell your bike?
  2. Best way to sell a motorcycle for top dollar
  3. How to sell my motorcycle at the same price?
  4. How to sell my motorcycle for best value?
  5. Should I sell my motorcycle or keep it?