an old salvaged motorcycle without title | selling a motorcycle

If you have a used motorcycle lying useless in your garage, then it’s quite certain that it has become a burden on your wallet. Time and again you have to take your motorcycle for repairs, and even after spending your hard-earned money, you are still not able to receive the expected performance. As a result, you only get more frustrated. Moreover, since the motorcycle is not in use, it starts creating a mess in your garage. There is leakage of toxic liquid and gases which might result in health problems for you. To get rid of all the nuisance, you must consider selling your motorcycle. Not only you will be relieved of all the stress and financial burden, but you will be able to earn top dollar which you can spend to buy a new one.

Since there are many people who are in need of a motorcycle and can’t spend enough money to buy a new one, you will always find a large number of potential buyers. To reach out to such buyers, you will have to put some efforts like posting an online ad or contacting the buyers on a personal basis.

How can I earn top dollar by selling a motorcycle?

  1. Proper research: Before you enter into negotiations for selling a motorcycle, you must make sure that you have a thorough knowledge regarding the market prices and demand for a used motorcycle. Since you don’t have any prior experience in this business, there is a high chance that the buyer may take advantage of your lack of information and dupe you of your money. They may even try to lure you by offering fake prices. However, if you are prepared beforehand, you will be able to evaluate whether an offer is genuine or not.
  2. Clean your motorcycle: Before you sell a motorcycle, make sure that you have properly cleaned all the parts and given it a complete wash. Any buyer will be attracted to a well-kept motorcycle. If your motorcycle is dirty, the buyer might not be willing to accept a high price for it. A well-maintained motorcycle gives the impression that all the parts are working properly.
  3. Check for repair requirements: While selling a motorcycle, you must make sure that you have thoroughly done the proper inspection. If your motorcycle requires a small number of repairs, then it is better that you get them done. If the condition of your motorcycle is good, then there is a high probability that the buyer agrees to pay top dollar for it.
  4. Get the final payment in cash: When you have finalized the deal, make sure that the buyer pays you the entire amount in the form of cash only. It will serve two purposes. Firstly, you get instant cash in your hand which you can use in buying a new car. Secondly, you won’t get frustrated by delayed payments since you have received the entire amount. Sometimes the buyers offer partial payment and promise to provide the rest of the amount in installments. Do not accept any such offer from the buyers. Once the buyers have taken away your car, it becomes very difficult to contact them for pending payments. In case the buyer is providing the amount in a check, then do remember to check all the credentials to avoid any kind of confusion.

If you are interested in selling a motorcycle, then you must visit The Bike Buyers. They have long experience in this business and have a strong reputation in the market. If you want quality service, then do contact them at the earliest.

Earning top dollar from selling a motorcycle is not a big deal if you contact the right company. A professional company will offer you the best value for your car. is one such company that offers high-quality services to its clients.

Read commonly asked queries on selling a motorcycle

  1. Sell my motorcycle: What strategy did you use to sell your bike?
  2. Best way to sell a motorcycle for top dollar
  3. How to sell my motorcycle at the same price?
  4. How to sell my motorcycle for best value?
  5. Should I sell my motorcycle or keep it?
selling a motorcycle

There is no point in keeping in your old motorcycle in the garage useless and spending your hard-earned money on its repair and maintenance. It only adds to your never-ending woes and growing frustration when even after the repair work, your motorcycle still does not work properly. It is understandable that it becomes difficult for the owner to part with the motorcycle, however, a time comes when it is always better to part with it.

You might wonder, how can a motorcycle that is of no use to you help you earn a good amount of money? The reality is that if you put sincere efforts, then you can attain top dollars for your motorcycle. Before you even enter into the process of selling a motorcycle, you must have done the proper groundwork. It includes thorough research of the market demand and prices of used motorcycles. It helps you acquire knowledge about the used motorcycle industry and you will be in a better position to negotiate. There are many kinds of buyers who are interested in providing you top dollars when you sell your motorcycle to them.

These include individual buyers, junkyard shops and dealers. People who don’t have money to buy a new motorcycle are interested in spending it on a used one. Even after the repair work, it still comes under their budget. If you are able to negotiate properly with individual buyers, then you can earn top dollars by selling a motorcycle. Junkyard shops, on the other hand, do not provide you top dollars, but the process is a lot simpler and convenient. Selling a motorcycle through dealers is least profitable, but then you don’t have to worry about any formalities and transaction tussles.

What steps I have to take to sell a motorcycle?

selling a motorcycle

Acquiring knowledge regarding the market price and demand for used motorcycle:

Being informed is the key to attain top dollars while selling a motorcycle. Usually, the owners do not have any prior experience in this business. As a result, they fall prey to lucrative and fake offers provided by the buyers. When the owner is well informed, he will be able to identify genuine buyers and evaluate the most profitable one.

Getting your motorcycle ready:

Even though your motorcycle is old, it won’t do any harm to you if you put some effort into getting cleaned and greased. A well-maintained motorcycle gives a good impression on the buyer and he may agree with your negotiated price.

Consider getting minor repairs if required:

If your motorcycle requires basic repair and maintenance work, then get it done before you enter into the negotiation with the buyer. Even though the repair work will cost you some money, but you will then be able to demand a higher price for your motorcycle. Overall, it will compensate for your repair expenses.

Accept payment in form of cash only:

Before you hand over your motorcycle to the buyer, make sure that he has paid you the entire amount in cash. Many buyers tend to offer you partial payment with the promise of paying the rest of the amount in installments. However, such kind of buyers is difficult to contact once the deal is finalized. It is hence better to ask them for complete payment. By doing so, you will be saved from any kind of fraud and will get enough money to spend on buying a new motorcycle. In case the buyer offers payment through cheque, do ensure that all the credentials are genuine.

The best place to sell a motorcycle is The Bike Buyers. The company is highly experienced and provides high-quality service to its clients. If you are planning to sell your motorcycle, then do contact them on a priority basis.

Read commonly asked queries on selling a motorcycle

  1. Sell my motorcycle: What strategy did you use to sell your bike?
  2. Best way to sell a motorcycle for top dollar
  3. How to sell my motorcycle at the same price?
  4. How to sell my motorcycle for best value?
  5. Should I sell my motorcycle or keep it?
salvaging a motorcycle

The process of selling a motorcycle is not as difficult as it may seem for a person with little experience in the business. Since your motorcycle is already in bad condition, you don’t have anything to lose. However, you must not miss out on the opportunity to get top dollars if you can. For this, you will have to conduct proper market research regarding the price and demand for a used motorcycle. You will have to communicate with multiple buyers through the online website or personally visiting their shops. Once you have received multiple offers, then properly evaluate them and select the most profitable one. After that, you have to negotiate with the buyer over the price and close the deal. A detailed description of the entire process is provided below:

Preparing your motorcycle and documents:

sell a motorcycle

  1. Getting your motorcycle cleaned from dirt:

    Make sure that you have cleaned all the dirt from your motorcycle before presenting it before the junkyard buyer. It leaves a good impression and you may end up getting top dollars.

  2. Properly inspect your motorcycle to identify any repair work requirements:

    You must thoroughly inspect your motorcycle to identify any major fault and get it replaced. Buyers tend to reject the offer if they find a significant defect in your motorcycle.

  3. Explore the market for used motorcycles:

    Proper research and exploration of the market of used motorcycles equip you with enough knowledge to effectively negotiate with the buyers.

  4. Have a predetermined price in mind:

    Before you enter into the negotiation with the buyers, do remember to get your motorcycle valued and set a price that is slightly above your expectations.

Negotiating with the buyers and finalizing the deal:

sell a motorcycle

  1. Carefully evaluate all the potential buyers:

    Usually, the owners are in a hurry to sell their motorcycle and get instant cash. They usually don’t want to put much effort into searching potential buyers and carefully evaluating them. As a result, they end up accepting an offer from the very first buyer who approaches them. Usually, the buyers are highly experienced and try to negotiate with the owner at a lower price. This way, the owner is not able to get top dollars by selling a motorcycle. It is recommended that the owner contacts multiple buyers and get various quotes from them. Having multiple quotes in hand, the owner will be in a better position to accept the most profitable one. The careful evaluation also helps the owner to identify potential scammers who may try to due him of money.

  2. Communicate with the buyers and arrange for the meeting:

    Communication is the starting step in the entire negotiation process of selling a motorcycle. You will have to provide all the details of your motorcycle to the buyer. In return, the buyer will present you with quotes and other details. Some of the owners tend to finalize the deal online or through phone only. However, it is better to meet in person first. It helps in better communication between the owner and the buyer and the deal can be finalized afterward.

  3. Make arrangements for providing test drive to potential buyers:

    Once the buyer agrees to meet in person, the owner then has to arrange for a test drive. While arranging for a test drive the owner must select a location that is accident-prone. Moreover, since such locations are far away from the main city, it is not safe to go alone along with the buyer. The owner must ask someone to accompany him for support.

  4. Ask the buyers to pay the amount in cash only:

    Before you sell a motorcycle to the buyer, make sure that they have paid all the money in cash and on the spot. Do not accept any partial payment from the buyer. Once they take away your motorcycle, it becomes very difficult to locate and contact them. If you are accepting the payment in cheque, do remember to go through all the credentials.

If you are planning to sell your motorcycle, then do visit today. They are highly experienced in this business and have more than 350 offices across the US. They are easy to approach and provide quality service to the clients.

selling a motorcycles

If I have to ensure that I get top dollars, then I must know what is my motorcycle worth. Owners, usually don’t put enough effort to conduct proper research to know the market dynamics of used motorcycles. However, if the owner carefully analyses the market demand and prices of used motorcycles, he would be in a better position to negotiate with the buyers and earn top dollars. Having thorough knowledge also helps in evaluating the buyers and identifying the scammers. If a buyer offering too low price, the owner can easily identify if he knows the market price. Similarly, lucrative offers can also be identified if the owner feels that the offer is too good to be true. Some of the major advantages of having thorough knowledge are:

  1. Protecting yourself from the scammers:

    Scammers take advantage of a lack of knowledge of the owners by offering them fake prices. By conducting proper research, the owner can ensure protection from them.

  2. Effective negotiation with the buyers:

    If the owner is well informed, then he won’t be fooled by fake or luring offers provided by the buyers. Usually, the buyers have a perception that the owners do not have sufficient knowledge regarding the market price and demand for used motorcycles. Since the buyers have significant experience in trading used motorcycles, they are able to better negotiate with the owner and make them sell their motorcycle at a low price. However, if the owner has conducted proper research and has a fair amount of idea regarding the trading selling a motorcycle, then he can better negotiate with the buyers and earn top dollars.

  3. Removing all the problems:

    Keeping an old motorcycle is highly stressful for the owner. Firstly, it creates a mess in the garage. The oil and harmful liquid leakage can cause serious health hazards for the owner. Moreover, the space occupied by the motorcycle is wasted which could be otherwise used for a better purpose. Secondly, the old motorcycle is not safe to be driven on the road. Many times, an old motorcycle breaks down midway during the drive and cause fatal accidents. Thirdly, the owner has to spend a large amount of his hard-earned cash on repair and maintenance of the motorcycle. By selling a motorcycle, the owner can get relieved of all these problems.

Importance of valuation

  1. Helps in cracking a profitable deal:

    Getting your motorcycle value helps in setting the right price. As a result, the owner has a predetermined price for the motorcycle even before the buyer provides an offer. The owner must put the selling price of the motorcycle slightly higher than expected. This would provide a sufficient margin for negotiating with the buyer.

  2. Easy to identify scammers and fake offers:

    Usually, the owners lack proper information about the actual price of their motorcycle. As a result, they agree with the offer presented by the buyer. However, sometimes the buyers are not genuine and might want to dupe you by offering you low prices. In order to avoid any such scam, get your motorcycle valued before selling it.

  3. Obtaining top dollars for your motorcycle:

    If you want to get good cash for motorcycles, then proper valuation helps in keeping you informed about the right price for the motorcycle. With the market price in mind, you will be able to better negotiate with the buyers.

The best to sell a motorcycle is The Bike Buyers. They are a highly experienced company and provide high-quality service to clients. They willingly accept motorcycles in any condition.

Why is it necessary to conduct research before you sell a motorcycle?

If you have an old motorcycle lying useless in your garage, you will be well aware of the mess that is created by its mere presence. In addition, you have to frequently get it repaired to make sure that it is still working properly. However, it only eats up your hard-earned money as it gets worn out soon and needs another repair. The best way to end all your troubles is to sell it off to a prospective buyer. Even though your motorcycle is old, it can still fetch top dollar. However, since you don’t have any prior experience, you will have to conduct basic research regarding the market prices and demand for used motorcycles. It will equip you with sound knowledge and help you better negotiate with the buyers. Acquiring prior knowledge before you sell a motorcycle has multiple advantages. A few of them are listed below:

selling a used bike

  1. Preventing scams:  

    Owners don’t usually have much experience in the field of selling used motorcycles and as a result, lack knowledge and information regarding the market price and demand. Along with genuine buyers, there are scammers in the market who are looking out for uninformed owners to dupe them of their money. They would pretend to be genuine buyers by showing you fake documents and offering lucrative prices. However, if the owner is well-informed before-hand, he can easily make out whether the buyer is fake or not. Offers that seem too good to be true are generally fake ones.

  2. You will be in a better position to negotiate:

    Owners usually don’t have any prior experience and knowledge regarding the market price and demand for used motorcycles. The buyers know this and take advantage of the lack of the owner’s information. As a result, they offer unprofitable deals that may seem to be genuine to the owner. Sometimes, they also provide fake deals just to attract the owners. In both situations, the owner gets duped and doesn’t receive the right value for money.

  3. An end to all the problems:

    Keeping an old motorcycle in your garage only adds to your never-ending woes. First, you have to bear all the mess created by the used motorcycle. Secondly, you have to spend your hard-earned money on frequent repair and maintenance work. By selling a motorcycle after conducting good market research will help you fetch top dollar. It will also help you understand the whole process and will make the transaction more convenient and easier for you. 

Why you must get your car valued?

  1. It helps you get good cash for motorcycles:

    For attaining good cash for motorcycles, it is important to negotiate a profitable deal with the buyers. With thorough knowledge, you will be more confident and will be able to convince the buyers to provide you top dollar.

  2. Protection from scammers:

    There are many scammers present in the market who are looking out for an opportunity to dupe owners by providing them lucrative offers. One you are already well informed; you can easily make out whether such lucrative offers are fake.

  3. Getting good money by selling a motorcycle:

    If you have an idea of the worth of your motorcycle, you will be able to better evaluate the offers provided by the buyers. There is always a price range in which you can accept the offer. If the offers provided by the buyers are below the critical price limit, you can easily reject them.

If you want to sell a motorcycle for top dollar, you must contact The Bike Buyers today. The Bike Buyers are willing to accept motorcycles in any condition. 

buyers of used bikes

Selling a motorcycle is always a better option for a person who feels that it is of no use for him. Even though the owner does not have any prior experience, he can still get a good amount of money if he intends to sell a motorcycle. There are many buyers who are willing to buy a used motorcycle as they do not want to spend a large amount of money on a new model. In order to crack a profitable deal, you will need to do proper online research in order to understand the market price and demand for a used motorcycle. Keeping an old motorcycle becomes a constant headache for the owner as it requires regular repair and maintenance work. Time and again, the car parts get worn out and need lubrication and oiling. Due to constant friction between the moving parts, worn out parts generate heat and can lead to fatal accidents if not repaired. On the other hand, if you sell your motorcycle, you will not only get relieved from all the stress but will also receive ample money to spend on buying a new one. Even though the process of selling a motorcycle may be new to you, you can still make it easy and convenient by following a few guidelines. Most important is prior research that would provide you a fair idea about the market price and demand for used motorcycles. The next step would be to contact multiple buyers through an online platform for receiving different offers. Once you have communicated with the buyers, you will need to evaluate their credibility and select the best offer. After that, the negotiation process will start in which you will have to be more confident cracking a good deal. Make sure that at every step you keep all the required documents and get them signed by the buyer. Whenever you plan to meet the buyer, make sure that the place is safe and crowded. You can also ask someone to accompany you for support. Once you have finalized the deal, do remember to inform your insurance company and local department of the motor vehicle regarding the same. 

Sell junk motorcycle

What can you do to sell your motorcycle for top dollars?

For selling a motorcycle for top dollar, you must adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. Conducting proper research:

    Before selling a motorcycle, you must make sure that you have properly researched the market price and demand for a used motorcycle. This will help you in better negotiation with the buyer and crack a profitable deal. 

  2. Preparing your motorcycle:

    It is always better to present your motorcycle in good condition as it will create a good impression on the buyer. A well-maintained need can help the owner get a better price from the buyer. All you will need to do is to wash your motorcycle and apply some wax for shine. 

  3. Get your repair work if necessary:

    If your motorcycle requires basic repair work, then it is better if you get it done soon. You will have to spend some amount of money on the repair work, but then you will be in a better position to negotiate with the buyer. If the buyer feels that some parts of your motorcycle are not in proper working conditions, he might not agree with the high price. 

  4. Get paid in cash and on the spot:

    When the deal is finalized, make sure that you receive the amount in cash and on the spot. Sometimes, the buyer offers to pay a partial amount and the rest in the future. However, such buyers are difficult to contact afterward. If you are receiving a check, remember to check all the credentials. 

If you wish to sell your motorcycle for top dollar then you can consider selling it to The Bike Buyers. The company provides the best value for money for your motorcycle. They even provide free pick-up services and pay the money on the spot.

sell a motorcycle

sell a motorcycle

Selling a motorcycle is not as difficult as it seems to a person without any prior experience. Even if you don’t have any prior knowledge, you can still sell your motorcycle for top dollar. All you need to do is to be prepared in advance before you start communicating with the buyers. For that, you will need to research the market scenario of used motorcycles which would include the price and demand. Meanwhile, you will have to get all your documents ready including the title, warranty, service and repair records, etc. Once you are equipped with basic information, you will have to contact potential buyers. You must remember that you must not close the very first deal you receive. You must consider selling a motorcycle to multiple buyers. This would provide you multiple options to choose from. 

What can you do to increase the worth of your motorcycle?

Even if your motorcycle gets old and is no longer able to serve you, it can still fetch top dollar if you are able to crack a profitable deal. There are potential buyers who are willing to pay you a large sum of money for used motorcycles. They are individuals who do not have enough money to buy a brand-new motorcycle and are willing to compromise over a used one. The main concern for such buyers is that the motorcycle has genuine documents and is in running condition. Hence, it becomes necessary for the owner to prepare the motorcycle before communicating with the buyers. Here are some of the steps that can be adopted for increasing the worth of the motorcycle.

Preparing the motorcycle

  1. Getting the motorcycle cleaned:

    A well-maintained motorcycle gives a positive impression on the buyer and he may be willing to offer you top dollar. All you need to do is to remove the dirt that has been gathered on your motorcycle with the help of an old cloth or water.

  2. Get your motorcycle inspected:

    You must make sure that you take your motorcycle to an expert and get it inspected. If your motorcycle requires small repairs, then get them done. It will only increase its value.

  3. Research market price of used motorcycles:

    In order to prevent yourself from getting duped by fake offers, do remember to explore the market price of used motorcycles. In doing so, you would be able to differentiate between a profitable and a non-profitable offer.

  4. Set your own selling price:

    Make sure that you put a selling price slightly higher than your expected value. Usually, the buyers tend to negotiate on the price a bit. This will give you a margin to work on.


Completing the transaction

  1. Carefully evaluating potential buyers:

    Do not accept an offer in haste. You must carefully analyze all the potential buyers that try to contact you.

  2. Arranging a meeting with the buyers:

    You will have to discuss with the buyer a meeting place and time so that you can communicate on the price. Having face to face conversation is always helpful in cracking a profitable deal.

  3. Arranging a test drive for the buyers:

    The buyers like to have a ride before they accept the offer. You must arrange a test drive for the buyer at a location that is free from accidents.

  4. Getting paid:

    Make sure that you receive the money in cash and on the spot before you sell your motorcycle to the buyer. If you are receiving the money in check, remember to note the credentials. Do not accept any offer of partial payment.

If you are interested in selling a motorcycle for a profitable price then visit today. The company has 350 offices across the US so it is quite easy for the customer to approach the company. The company with its 25 years of experience in this industry never fails to satisfy its customers by giving them the best service possible.

sell a motorcycle

sell a motorcycle

The process of selling a motorcycle, though simple, is still a difficult task for someone having naïve experience in the business. Trading an old motorcycle requires in-depth knowledge and understanding of the nature of the market demand, the value of the motorcycle and psyche of the buyers. Those interested in spending cash on motorcycles are very much aware that old motorcycles are not in proper running condition and they will have to spend an ample amount of money in repair and maintenance work. As such, they are quite vigilant when it comes to the inspection part. They like to have a look at all the documents, warranty papers, service records, and other important papers. The condition of the motorcycle is also determined by its appearance. Even if the parts are working well, an unkept motorcycle will leave a bad impression on the buyer who might be turn off and reject the offer. Once the buyer is comfortable with the papers and approves the appearance of the motorcycle, he will certainly want to take a test drive to ensure its drivability. For successfully carrying out all these steps, it is important for the owner to conduct prior research before communicating with the buyer. This will help the owner to develop a thorough understanding of the worth of the motorcycle which will further aid him in the transaction process.

Following are some of the advantages of having prior knowledge:

  1. Protection from scammers:

    Usually, the buyers are quite experienced in the business of trading used motorcycles and already know the tricks of profitable negotiation. On the other hand, the owners with little or no experience can easily be manipulated. There are many scammers present in the market who dupe the owners of their hard-earned money only because of their lack of knowledge. Once the owner knows the market dynamics, he is difficult to be provided with low cash for motorcycles.

  2. Better negotiations:

    If you already know the value of your motorcycle, you will be in a better position to negotiate on the final price with the buyer. Usually, the buyers tend to offer low prices as they want to take advantage of the lack of knowledge of the owner. However, owners who know the market price can easily identify fake offers.

  3. Getting relieved from all the stress:

    If you have prior knowledge of the process of selling a motorcycle, you will be prepared before-hand to face negotiation with the buyer. As a result, you won’t have any pre-negotiation stress to deal with.

Benefits of motorcycle valuation:

  1. Ensuring that you do not sell a motorcycle at a loss:

    Once you know that you don’t have to sell your motorcycle below a certain amount, you can be sure that you don’t end up accepting an offer at a loss. This can only be possible when you have got your motorcycle valued.

  2. Protection against fraudulent offers:

    When you know the true value of your motorcycle, you won’t be attracted by scammers who tend you lure the owners by lucrative offers. If an offer seems too good to be true, you must always avoid it.

  3. Acquiring top dollar for your motorcycle:

    If you have already zeroed down a possible range of offers depending upon the valuation of your motorcycle, you can easily crack a good deal falling under that price bracket. As a result, you will be able to acquire top dollar from the deal.

If you want to sell a motorcycle and you are looking for a good deal for it then contact The Bike Buyers today. The customers can sell their motorcycles to “The Bike Buyers” in any running condition.

Sell my motorcycle New Mexico - Thebikebuyers

Selling a motorcycle is not everyone’s cup of tea and you need to have a little bit of knowledge and negotiating skills to end up getting good value for your money. People who are already in the business of trading old motorcycles have enough experience to deal with others. They have already faced enough surprises that they are very cautious while finalizing a deal. However, people who for the first time want to sell a motorcycle, do not have any expertise or prior experience. As a result, they might either be easily lured into offers that might not be profitable. Moreover, they are in a hurry of selling a motorcycle, that they easily accept whatever offer that is presented before them by the buyer. Because of all these issues, it is important on the part of the owner to have a thorough knowledge of the market price and demand of old motorcycle so that they are in a better position to negotiate. Having good knowledge of the worth of the motorcycle will solve the following purposes:

  1. Acquiring the best deal for your motorcycle:

    When you are communicating with potential buyers, make sure that you consider multiple offers so that you can choose the most profitable one. You will have to carefully analyze not only the offers but also the credibility of the buyers so that you do not end up negotiating with the scammers.

  2. Securing yourself from unheard practices:

    Sometimes dealers and buyers provide you with lucrative offers that are not familiar. In such a situation, many owners tend to get inclined towards the offers. However, there is always some catch in the offers that are too good to be true. The owners must, therefore, be very cautious while accepting such offers.

  3. Getting the best deal in exchange offers:

    You must never hurry to sell a motorcycle. Instead, you must first explore all the offers that are presented by the buyers. Sometimes, you can get a great offer on a new model especially close to a holiday. During such periods, the seller’s bank on heavy sales and they can easily provide you a new motorcycle at a low price.

  4. Being confident during negotiations:

    Negotiation is the most important step in selling a motorcycle as it will determine the amount you would be getting after the deal is closed. Having prior knowledge of the prices of used motorcycles will enable us to better negotiate with the buyers.

  5. Attaining peace of mind after selling your motorcycle:

    Once you have received cash for motorcycles, you will be at peace as you can spend that money on buying a new model. Moreover, you will be relieved as you won’t have to spend on repair and maintenance of the old motorcycle.

Know what is my motorcycle worth before selling ?

Importance of valuation of your motorcycle

  1. Avoiding selling your motorcycle in loss:

    If you have thoroughly researched and explored the current market price and demand of used motorcycles, you will be in a better position to negotiate with the buyers and up in cracking the best deal.

  2. Protecting yourself from scammers:

    There are many scammers in the market which are looking out for vulnerable sellers whom they can easily dupe with the money. They would take advantage of the lack of knowledge of the owner and would offer less money for the motorcycle. However, if the owner has already properly researched and estimated the value of the motorcycle, there is less chance of getting duped by the scammers.

  3. Getting the true price for your motorcycle:

    Once you have a thorough knowledge regarding the market price of the motorcycle, you will be in a better position to negotiate with the buyers. Once they will provide you their offers, you will easily understand which of the offers are genuine and which are meant to dupe you with money.

If you want to get good cash for motorcycles that are in running condition then sell them at “The Bike Buyers” is a company that has over 25 years of experience in the bike buying business and has 350 offices throughout the US. 

what is my motorcycle worth

If you feel that your old motorcycle needs to be replaced by a new one, you must consider selling it to a potential buyer who will pay you top dollar for it. For selling your motorcycle you must adhere to the following steps:

Appraising the cost of your motorcycle

  1. Cleaning the motorcycle properly:

    A well-maintained motorcycle gives an everlasting impression on the buyer and may help the owner better negotiate on the selling price.

  2. Inspect your motorcycle and make necessary changes:

    Before the buyer comes to inspect the condition of the motorcycle, it is recommended that you get your motorcycle checked for any anomalies and get them repaired. It will help you to sell your motorcycle for top dollar.

  3. Explore prices of similar motorcycles:

    Before you enter into the negotiation with the potential buyers, you must thoroughly explore the price of your motorcycle. This would help you evaluate whether you are providing a genuine offer by the buyers.

  4. Finalize a selling price for your motorcycle:

    You must be confident enough regarding the selling price of your motorcycle which will further reflect in your negotiating process with buyers.

  5. Listing your motorcycle slightly above the actual selling price:

    Most of the buyers tend to ask for a certain discount from the owner. Since they will negotiate at a lower price, it is recommended that the owner sets the selling price slightly higher than the actual selling price needed.

Some simple steps to sell a motorcycle

Advertising your motorcycle

  1. Compile the information in the form of advertisements:

    One of the best ways to approach a large number of potential buyers when selling a motorcycle is to put up an advertisement listing a detailed description of your motorcycle. It will help the buyers know about the condition of the motorcycle even before they communicate with you.

  2. Take multiple pictures of your motorcycle:

    Pictures speak more than words. If you have a good camera and basic photography skills, it is recommended that you upload good quality pictures of your motorcycle capturing all the angles. Good pictures always attract potential buyers as they can easily understand the condition of the motorcycle.

  3. Listing your motorcycle online for selling it on your own:

    If you want to get top dollar for your motorcycle, you will have to bypass middlemen who will charge their fees for helping you sell your motorcycle. In such a scenario, the best way to list your motorcycle online and reach out to potential buyers. Most of the buyers have their profile listed online and as soon you upload the advertisement of your motorcycle; they will directly communicate with you without any haste.

Finalizing the deal

  1. Scrutinizing potential buyers:

    When you would be putting up an advertisement, you must ensure that you scan them before you finalize the deal with them. Along with potential and genuine buyers, you will be communicated with scammers as well who will try to dupe you with money. For better understanding the buyer, you can visit their website and read their descriptions.

  2. Take out time to meet potential buyers:

    Even if you have a busy schedule, you will have to take your time out for a meeting with the buyers. The buyers are interested in seeing the condition of your motorcycle and are willing to finalize the deal only after they are convinced regarding its condition. 

  3. Arrange for a test drive:

    Most of the buyers are interested in driving your motorcycle just to make sure that the critical parts are running properly. For this, you must arrange for a proper test drive for the buyer. You must make sure that the location for the test drive is not very crowded and is not accident-prone. You must also ask your friends to accompany you to the test drive to avoid any danger posed by the scammers.

  4. Accept the best offer:

    Once you have received multiple offers from various buyers, you must then evaluate them properly to get top dollars for your motorcycle.

If you are interested in selling a motorcycle, then there is no better place than The company is US-based with 350 offices throughout the country. Motorcycle in any running condition can be sold to “The Bike Buyers” for a good value anywhere in the US.