sell your motorcycle

It’s a common question posed by the majority of motorcycle owners. They feel that it’s not worth putting up the effort to sell a motorcycle. Instead, they opt for keeping it and getting it repaired. However, it only adds to their never-ending woes. First, the old motorcycle creates a mess in the garage. Its body develops rust which falls on the surface.

Also, the rusted pipes develop cracks and start leaking, spreading toxic gases and fluids in the surrounding which can be fatal for the health of the owner. The repair and maintenance work, which has to be carried out regularly consumes the hard-earned money of the owner. However, if the owner decides to sell a motorcycle, then he is relieved of all the stress. Moreover, he can extract a good amount from the sale in the form of cash which can be further invested in buying a new one. 

Tips to earn top dollar by selling a motorcycle

There is no one rule of attaining top dollar by selling a motorcycle. However, there are few guidelines recommended by experts which will guide the owner in the entire process. 

Conduct online research

Selling a motorcycle can be a hell of a ride for a first-time seller if he is not prepared in advance. Not only would he have trouble in identifying the right buyer, but he will also have to deal with the experienced negotiators. However, if the owner takes out some time to research on the market for a used motorcycle then he would be equipped with enough information which will help in cracking a profitable deal. 

Prior preparations

Besides gathering relevant information, the owner must also be prepared with all the important documents before he starts the negotiation to sell a motorcycle. Also, he must make sure that the motorcycle is presentable and if needed a wash can be given to remove the dust from the surface. Some wax can also be rubbed to add some shine. 

Repairing the motorcycle

If the condition of the motorcycle is not too bad, and it needs some repair work, then it is advisable to spend some money to do the needful. This way, it will be easier to pursue the buyer to pay top dollar for the motorcycle. 

Ask the buyer to pay the amount in cash

Once the deal has been finalized, the owner must make sure that the buyer pays the entire amount at the time of delivery and in cash. Usually, the owners are in a rush to sell a motorcycle, and they agree to any offers presented by the buyers. So much so, that they even accept partial payments. However, buyers who promise to pay the remaining amount in instalments, seldom show up in future leaving the owner dejected and frustrated. 

If you are interested in earning top dollar when you sell your motorcycle, then you must contact The Bike Buyers for the best offers. This company is highly experienced and provides high-quality services to its clients. Over the years, the company has developed strong goodwill in the market.

Earning top dollar from selling a motorcycle is not a big deal if you contact the right company. A professional company will offer you the best value for your car. is one such company that offers high-quality services to its clients.

Read commonly asked queries on selling a motorcycle

  1. Sell my motorcycle: What strategy did you use to sell your bike?
  2. Best way to sell a motorcycle for top dollar
  3. How to sell my motorcycle at the same price?
  4. How to sell my motorcycle for best value?
  5. Should I sell my motorcycle or keep it?
motorcycle junkyard

Keeping an old motorcycle in your garage will only add to your never-ending troubles. Time and again you would have to spend your hard-earned money on its useless repairs. Besides, your motorcycle will create a mess in your garage which will be unpleasant for you and your neighbours. Moreover, leakage of toxic gases and fluid will pose danger to your health as well. However, if you manage to sell your motorcycle, you will get rid of all your troubles.

Besides, you will be able to extract enough money to spend on buying a new motorcycle. Another benefit of selling a motorcycle is that you would be saving the environment. If you try to dispose of it on your own, there is a possibility of ruining the environment. Since the body of a used motorcycle is covered in rust and other toxic substances, it can be harmful to the surroundings. However, if you sell your motorcycle, the buyer will take care of its disposal. Since most of the buyers have an experience of disposal, they make sure that they do not contaminate the environment. This way, not only you would be saving the environment, but you will also be saving a lot of your effort and money.

What is the process of selling a motorcycle?

Being prepared in advance:

  1. Washing the motorcycle: If your motorcycle has been lying useless in your garage for a long time, it would have gathered dust and dirt. No buyer wants to pay for an unkept motorcycle. Make sure that you wash your motorcycle with water and put some grease on its surface to give a decent shine.
  2. Getting your motorcycle repaired: You will need to gather all the important documents and manuals before you communicate with the buyer. Having prepared in advance will leave a good impression on the buyer. Moreover, you will have to look out for minor repairs and consider getting them done by a professional mechanic.
  3. Researching online: Before you sell your motorcycle, make sure that you are well informed about the market of used motorcycles. For that, you will have to visit the website providing relevant information on the prices of used motorcycles. Once equipped with the information, you will be in better condition to negotiate with the buyers.
  4. Having a pre-set selling price: When you sell a motorcycle to a buyer, they will bargain. It’s in their blood. No matter what price you set, they will try to bring it down. To make sure that you do not accept an unprofitable offer, set the selling price slightly higher than your expected one. It will provide you with a margin to negotiate.

Proper communication:

  1. Buyer’s evaluation: Dealing with professional buyers is always recommended as being an owner you won’t have enough experience to understand the manipulations of the scammers. Besides, professional buyers will provide you with the best possible offers and even assist you in the transaction process. You will, therefore, have to evaluate the buyers by going through their profile and client reviews. Even though you will have to spend some of your precious time, it will still be worth the effort.
  2. Meeting in person: Even in times of technological advancements, meeting in person is the best way to finalize the deal of selling a motorcycle. Face to face conversations tend to mitigate any confusion and you are better able to communicate with the buyer.
  3. Arranging a test drive for the buyer: Most of the buyers ask for a test drive before they finalize the deal. For that, you will have to select a place free from the crowd for arranging a test drive. However, since these locations might be deserted, ask someone to accompany for support. If the buyer turns out to be a scammer, he may try to harm you in case you are alone.
  4. Asking the buyer to pay the amount in cash: Once your deal to sell your motorcycle is finalized, make sure that the buyer pays you the entire amount in cash. Usually, the owners are in a hurry to sell a motorcycle and accept partial payments from the buyer. However, such buyers seldom show up in future leaving the owner dejected and frustrated.

Why should I conduct online research?

  1. You would be in a better condition to evaluate the buyers: Prior knowledge will help you in identifying the metrics needed to evaluate the credibility of the buyers.
  2. Your negotiation process will become convenient: Online research would provide enough information on market prices of used motorcycles and the process to sell a motorcycle. As such, you will already have a checklist of do’s and don’ts before you enter into the negotiation process.
  3. Protecting yourself from scammers: Having a thorough knowledge before selling a motorcycle will help you identify fake buyers who would try to manipulate you with low offers. This way would be protecting yourself from getting duped by cunning buyers.

Why should I get my car valued?

  1. Offer evaluation: Knowing the worth of your motorcycle, you will be better able to make out whether the amount put forward by the buyer is genuine or not.
  2. Buyer’s identification: Any buyer providing false prices can easily be identified if you have an idea of your motorcycle’s value. Just by conversing with them for a while, you can make out whether they are providing correct information or misleading you with false details.
  3. Obtaining best value: When you will be finalizing the right buyer, there will be a high chance that you end up receiving a profitable offer. Professional buyers do not want to disappoint their clients and as such provide them with the best value for their motorcycle.

Earning top dollar from selling a motorcycle is not a big deal if you contact the right company. A professional company will offer you the best value for your car. is one such company that offers high-quality services to its clients.

Read commonly asked queries on selling a motorcycle

  1. Sell my motorcycle: What strategy did you use to sell your bike?
  2. Best way to sell a motorcycle for top dollar
  3. How to sell my motorcycle at the same price?
  4. How to sell my motorcycle for best value?
  5. Should I sell my motorcycle or keep it?
sell your motorcycle

If you have owned a motorcycle for a long time, you might have experienced the troubles it brings once it starts to get worn out. Firstly, it creates a mess in your garage. Over the years, its pipes start getting rusted and develop cracks which in turn leaks harmful fluids and gases. Secondly, you have to spend your hard-earned money on its useless repairs.

However, if you decide to sell your motorcycle, not only will you be relieved from all the stress, you will also be able to extract a decent amount from its sale. You can use the amount received to buy a new motorcycle. All you have to do is to find a suitable buyer who would be willing to pay you top dollar. For that, you will have to either contact the buyer personally or put up an online advertisement providing a basic description of your motorcycle. The entire process of selling a motorcycle might need some of your precious time and effort, but the benefits earned will outweigh the pains.

How can a person extract maximum value by selling a motorcycle?

  1. Prior research on used motorcycles: Lack of experience and knowledge makes it difficult for a first-time seller to crack a profitable deal. The experienced buyers take advantage of their lack of information and manipulate them by providing false offers. To avoid any such mishap, the owner needs to have an idea regarding the market price and demand for used motorcycles. Being equipped with a basic understanding, the owner will be in a better position to evaluate the buyers and negotiate with them at his desired price.
  2. Being prepared in advance: Before you enter into the negotiation process to sell a motorcycle, you must make all the preparatory arrangements. To start with, you must gather all the important documents like the title, registration, service and maintenance records, etc. Besides, you must also prepare your motorcycle by washing it so that it looks presentable in front of the buyer.
  3. Get the motorcycle repaired: Apart from getting it cleaned, you must also look out for basic repairs needed and get them done from a professional mechanic. Even though it might cost you a bit, it will in turn help you earn top dollar for your motorcycle.
  4. Accept the payment in cash: Usually, the owners are in a hurry to sell a motorcycle and as such, do not pay attention to minute details. While finalizing the deal, they even accept partial payments from the buyers. However, it only adds to their frustration and agony as such buyers do not show once they take away your motorcycle. Therefore, it is recommended that you ask the buyer to pay you the entire money in the form of cash and on the spot.

For extracting a high value, you must sell your motorcycle by communicating with The Bike Buyers. The company would guide you in the process and would offer the best possible price for your motorcycle. Being a highly reputed company, it offers a variety of high-quality services to its clients.

Read commonly asked queries on selling a motorcycle

  1. Sell my motorcycle: What strategy did you use to sell your bike?
  2. Best way to sell a motorcycle for top dollar
  3. How to sell my motorcycle at the same price?
  4. How to sell my motorcycle for best value?
  5. Should I sell my motorcycle or keep it?
an old salvaged motorcycle without title | selling a motorcycle

Selling a motorcycle is always better than keeping it useless in your garage. Why? Because keeping it only adds to your never-ending troubles while selling it off will earn you a decent amount of money which you can spend on buying a new model. Checking for regular repairs, messing your garage, and spending your hard-earned money on the maintenance of your old motorcycle-only elevates your stress levels. However, if you sell your motorcycle, then you can easily mitigate all the troubles associated with it. Even if you don’t have prior experience of selling a motorcycle, you can still earn top dollar if you follow expert guidelines and conduct prior online research.

What steps will I have to take to sell a motorcycle?

Doing all the preparatory work:

  1. Getting your motorcycle washed and cleaned: The first impression is the last. When you present your used motorcycle to the owner, you must make sure that you have properly cleaned and removed the dust from its surface. A shining motorcycle would make the buyer happy and he may easily accept your demands. You can also get it washed and waxed to make it even better.
  2. Check for repairs and get them done: Even though you are selling a motorcycle that is worn out, the buyer still expects it to be in a decent condition. As such, you must look for minor repairs and get them done. These small repairs might cost you a bit, but then, you would be in a better situation to negotiate with the buyers.
  3. Conduct prior online research: Since most of the owners do not have enough experience in selling a motorcycle, they can easily be manipulated by experienced buyers. The buyers try to take advantage of a lack of knowledge of the owner and present them false prices. It is therefore recommended to conduct online research before you sell your motorcycle. All you would be required is to visit some online websites dedicated to providing information on selling a motorcycle.
  4. Putting up a selling price in advance: If you have conducted some research online, then you would have a fair idea regarding the market price of used cars. As such, you will be in a better position to negotiate with the buyer. As most of the buyers tend to bring down the price a little bit, it is, therefore, advisable to put the selling price slightly higher than your expectation. This would provide you with a margin to negotiate.

Having a thorough communication with the buyer:

  1. Carefully evaluate the offers and the buyers: When you would be putting up an advertisement to sell your motorcycle, you would be contacted with a large number of buyers with multiple offers. If you make your decision in haste, you might end up accepting an offer that is not very valuable. However, if you carefully evaluate the buyers by visiting their websites and reading their descriptions and reviews, there is a high chance that you crack a profitable deal.
  2. Set up a meeting with the buyer: Even though with the technological advancements, communication between the owner and buyer has become a lot more convenient and quick. However, meeting in person and understanding each other’s requirements is always better. It is easier to discuss and clarify any doubts when both parties talk face to face.
  3. Make provisions for a test drive: Most of the professional buyers especially the individuals request a test drive. This provides much more confidence and clarity regarding the condition of the motorcycle. You must try to arrange the test drive in a location which is less crowded to avoid any kind of accident. However, since such locations are usually deserted, they might not be safe. Any scammer in pursuit of duping you can even threaten you physically. To avoid any such kind of mishap, ask some friends to accompany you for the test drive.
  4. Accepting payment in cash: Once you have finalized the deal, you must make sure that the buyer pays you the entire amount in the form of cash and on the spot. Some of the buyers ask you to accept a partial payment and promise to pay you the rest of the amount in installments. Since most of the owners are in a hurry to sell a motorcycle, they readily accept the offer. However, such buyers seldom turn up after the deal leaving the owner dejected and frustrated.

Is there any need to do prior online research and what are its advantages?

  1. Helps in evaluating the buyers: When you would be researching online, you would understand the characteristics that are exhibited by professional buyers. With such information at hand, you will be able to identify the fake ones by examining the way they communicate and negotiate.
  2. Helps in the negotiation: When you have an idea regarding the process and documentation of selling a motorcycle, you will be prepared before-hand to counter the manipulations of the buyers. As such, you will be better able to negotiate them at your expected price.
  3. Secures you from scammers: Since you would be able to identify the credibility of the buyers, you will be protected from the fake ones. Once you are well informed, you won’t be accepting offers that seem too good to be true.

Benefits of valuation

  1. Helps in evaluating the offers: The best way to evaluate an offer is to compare it with the market price. With the information on the value of your motorcycle in your hand, you will easily identify which offers are genuine and which ones are fake.
  2. Helps in identifying the right buyers: The same way you evaluate the offers, you can also evaluate the right buyers. Dealing with professional buyers is always a better experience for the owner.
  3. Helps in cracking a profitable deal: Since you would be shortlisting the best buyers and the best offers, there is a high probability that you end up receiving top dollar for your motorcycle.

Once you have finalized the sale of your motorcycle, the next step would be to identify the right company which will provide you the most profitable deal. The best company in this business is You can visit the website and read about the company. It is a highly reputable and experienced company in the United States. Having years of experience, the company has developed enough expertise to deliver quality services to its clients.

Read commonly asked queries on selling a motorcycle

  1. Sell my motorcycle: What strategy did you use to sell your bike?
  2. Best way to sell a motorcycle for top dollar
  3. How to sell my motorcycle at the same price?
  4. How to sell my motorcycle for best value?
  5. Should I sell my motorcycle or keep it?
sell your motorcycle

As a motorcycle owner, you might wonder, how can your old vehicle which is completely useless to you help you in attaining top dollar? Who on earth would be willing to spend his hard-earned money on something useless? Being skeptical about getting top dollar for motorcycles understandable. However, the reality is a bit different. There are various kinds of buyers who are willing to offer high value for a used motorcycle. All you have to do is to identify the right buyer to sell a motorcycle. Although it requires some serious effort from the owner, it returns enough cash to spend it on something useful. There are dedicated websites that help you connect with potential buyers and guide you during the process of the transaction.

You can also personally visit buyers, especially the junkyard shops and ask for a quote personally. The choice of method depends upon the amount of effort and time you are willing to put in. If you can locate a potential buyer to sell your motorcycle, then there is a high chance that you can earn a decent amount of money when the deal is closed. However, a proper understanding of the process is a must for a successful deal.

Guidelines for attaining high value for the motorcycle

sell a motorcycle

There is no magic wand that can provide you top dollar for your motorcycle. You can’t simply just ask a buyer to pay you a decent amount of money for your old motorcycle. You will have to put some effort and follow certain guidelines. Here are some of them listed below for your understanding:

Online research

Acquiring detailed knowledge regarding the market for used motorcycles plays a vital role in determining whether you end up cracking a profitable deal or not from selling a motorcycle. If you are well equipped with essential information such as market price and demand for used motorcycles, then you would be in a better condition to negotiate with the buyers.

Preparing the motorcycle

Before you sell your motorcycle, make sure that you get your motorcycle cleaned. Usually, old bikes are kept in the garage for a long time and as a result, they get covered with dust. As such, the motorcycle looks older and worn out than it is. This leaves a bad impression on the buyers and may even deter them from accepting the offer. Cleaning your motorcycle does not cost much as you only have to give it a light wash and some oiling.

Check for repairs

Even though you are selling a motorcycle that is worn out, the buyer still expects it to be in a decent working condition. For that, you have to make sure that there is no major fault in it. You can even go for minor repairs if necessary. This may cost you a bit, but it will help you in the negotiation process with the buyers.

Ask the buyer to pay you the amount in cash

Once the deal has been finalized, you need to be sure that the buyer pays you the entire amount in the form of cash. Sometimes, the buyers tend to offer partial payment and promise to pay the rest of the amount in installments. But such buyers seldom turn up once the deal is closed leaving the owner frustrated. It is, therefore, better to stress on complete payment through cash and on the spot.

If you are interested in attaining high value by selling a motorcycle, then you must consider contacting The Bike Buyers. The company is highly experienced in this business and offers high-quality services to its clients.

Read commonly asked queries on selling a motorcycle

  1. Sell my motorcycle: What strategy did you use to sell your bike?
  2. Best way to sell a motorcycle for top dollar
  3. How to sell my motorcycle at the same price?
  4. How to sell my motorcycle for best value?
  5. Should I sell my motorcycle or keep it?
sell a motorcycle

If you have an old motorcycle lying useless in your garage, then it will only add to your never-ending troubles. Firstly, it will create a mess in your garage which can be dangerous to your health. Secondly, you will have to spend your hard-earned money on its regular repairs. However, if you decide to sell your motorcycle, you will get rid of all the troubles. Besides, you will receive cash in hand from the deal which you can, later on, spend on buying a new motorcycle.

What procedure will I have to follow sell a motorcycle

The process of selling a motorcycle is straightforward and becomes convenient if you follow basic steps.

Preparing the motorcycle and important documents:

Cleaning the motorcycle

When the buyer comes to visit your location, you must make sure that your motorcycle is presentable. All you would be required is to wash your motorcycle with water to remove the dust and apply some wax on the surface to provide a shine to it.

Getting your motorcycle repaired

In case your motorcycle needs little repairs, then get them done. It might cost you a bit, but it will help you attain higher value for your motorcycle.

Conducting market research

Having prior knowledge before you sell your motorcycle always helps in the negotiation process. Since you will have an idea regarding the price, you will easily make out whether the offer presented by the buyer is genuine or not.

Pre-determining the selling price of the motorcycle

Since most of the buyers have a habit of negotiating on the price set by the owner, it is always better to place a margin before-hand. If the owner has an idea regarding the market price, he can set the selling price slightly above the expected price.

Communicating and negotiating with the buyers:

Properly evaluating the buyers

Before you sell a motorcycle, you must make sure that you are dealing with a genuine person. In case you agree to negotiate without proper evaluation, you might end up getting duped by scammers. Such buyers tend to provide you lucrative offers and later on trick you and take away your hard-earned money. Even if it seems a bit tiring, you must always put some serious effort into gauging the credibility of the buyers.

Meeting with the buyer in person

It’s better to discuss the terms and conditions of the deal face to face instead of calls or emails. Meeting in person enables a better understanding of the person to whom you are transacting.

Arrange a test drive for the buyer

Most of the buyers are interested in gauging the running condition of the motorcycle and might ask for a test drive. As an owner, it’s your responsibility to arrange for a safe place for a test drive before you sell your motorcycle. However, you must ask someone to accompany you for support as going alone to a deserted place might not be a safe option.

Ask the buyer to pay you the amount in cash

Many buyers tend to offer partial payment at the time of delivery of the motorcycle and promise to pay the rest of the amount in installments. Usually, the owners are in a hurry to sell a motorcycle and often agree to such demands put forward by the buyer. However, this proves costly and frustrating for the owner as such buyers seldom show up in the future.

If you are planning to sell your motorcycle and wish to extract top dollar, then is the best option for you. The reason being there long years of experience and expertise. They are highly reputed across the United States and offer high-quality service to the used motorcycle owners.

Read commonly asked queries on selling a motorcycle

  1. Sell my motorcycle: What strategy did you use to sell your bike?
  2. Best way to sell a motorcycle for top dollar
  3. How to sell my motorcycle at the same price?
  4. How to sell my motorcycle for best value?
  5. Should I sell my motorcycle or keep it?
motorcycle junkyard

Going into the battlefield without adequate armor will only lead to your devastation. The same holds in the case of selling a motorcycle. If you don’t have any idea about the market price and demand for a used motorcycle, you won’t be in a condition to effectively negotiate with the buyer. Eventually, the buyer who has years of experience will manipulate you and you will end up getting lower value for your motorcycle.

On the other hand, if you conduct proper research and develop a thorough understanding of the industry and the transaction process, you won’t fall into the trap of the buyers. It would require some serious effort on your part, but eventually, it will help you in effectively negotiating with the buyers. Some of the advantages of prior online research are mentioned below:

Proper evaluation of buyers

When you would be communicating with buyers to sell a motorcycle, you will have to make sure that they are genuine or not. If you end up closing a deal with a scammer, there is a high chance that you might not be able to receive the right amount for your motorcycle. However, if you are prepared in advance, you will be able to clearly distinguish among the prospective offers. 

Help in the negotiation process

Having the right information will help you understand the complexities of the negotiation process of selling a motorcycle. You might be well aware of the fact that most of the people tend to bring down the original quoted value. If you have a prior idea about the value of your motorcycle, you will be able to set a selling price slightly higher than your expectation to provide you with a margin to negotiate. 

Protect you from scammers

The scammers have a preconceived notion that the owners are not well informed and tend to offer them fake prices. The owners who are already in a hurry to sell their motorcycle readily accept the offers and fall into the trap of scammers. However, if the owners already have an idea regarding the actual value of their motorcycle, they will be able to identify whether the offer put forward by the buyer is genuine or not. 

What are the benefits of getting my motorcycle valued?

It will aid you in the process of evaluation of offers

Since you would be having an idea about the price of a used motorcycle, you will easily make out whether the offer presented by the buyer is genuine or not. Scammers tend to provide you offers that are either priced low or seem too good to be true. In both cases, any informed owner will understand whether the deviation is deliberate or not. 

It will help you identify the credibility of the buyers

Professional buyers seldom lie. They always provide you good cash for motorcycles. When you receive an offer and feel that the price put by the buyer is not right, you can be sure that he is not credible. 

It will help you in attaining top dollar

Since you will be in a better situation to demand the right cash for motorcycles, you will, therefore, be able to crack a profitable deal. 

Being informed always helps at every stage of selling a motorcycle. It protects you from the manipulations of the scammers and helps you in receiving top dollars. 

The best place to know what your motorcycle is worth and sell it for top dollar is The Bike Buyers. This company has many years of experience in this business and offer high-quality services to motorcycle owners.

Read commonly asked queries on selling a motorcycle

  1. Sell my motorcycle: What strategy did you use to sell your bike?
  2. Best way to sell a motorcycle for top dollar
  3. How to sell my motorcycle at the same price?
  4. How to sell my motorcycle for best value?
  5. Should I sell my motorcycle or keep it?
what is my motorcycle worth

Any business, any profession, needs a bit of experience to succeed. You cannot hope for success if you are not prepared in advance. Things don’t go as per the plan and you must well be informed to handle contingencies. Similar goes with selling a motorcycle. Hardly any owner has the experience of selling a motorcycle. As such, they don’t understand the tricks and manipulation of the negotiation. Moreover, since they don’t have any idea about the market of used motorcycles, any buyer can dupe them easily. The owners therefore must conduct proper research to understand the value of their motorcycles. If you want to acquire good cash for motorcycles, then prior research is a must for you. Here are some of the advantages of having a thorough knowledge about used motorcycles:

  1. It helps in better evaluation of the buyers: On posting an online advertisement to sell a motorcycle, you will be contacted by a large number of buyers. Now, as an owner, you will have to evaluate their credibility. Dealing with professional buyers turns out to be profitable. They have a good market reputation and to maintain it, they make sure that the owner is satisfied. As such, they offer decent cash for motorcycles.
  2. You are better able to negotiate with the buyers: Usually the owners are not well informed and the buyers know this fact. As a result, they exploit their lack of knowledge and provide them false information. Sometimes, they would tell you that the price in the market is much lower than what you are asking for. Sometimes, they would point out some defect in your motorcycle and ask you to lower the price. However, if you have already done your homework, no buyer, irrespective of his experience can manipulate you.
  3. It helps you avoid any kind of scams: Scams are very common especially when you are dealing with strangers. They would first lure with good offers then dupe you during the transaction process. You can also research the experiences of previous owners who would provide you with insights on how to deal with such buyers.

How the valuation of the motorcycle helps in earning top dollar?

When you are selling something, you must be very well aware of its worth. It will help you set the right price for it. If I want to make sure that I can distinguish among the offers provided by the buyers, I must know what my motorcycle is worth. Many online platforms offer such services. You will have to fill in the details about your motorcycle and they will provide you its approximate value. Getting your motorcycle valued helps you in the following ways:

  1. Helps in evaluation of the offers: Often the buyers tend to get confused when they receive multiple offers. They don’t know how to choose between the two. Every offer has a catch. But, if your valuation is correct, then you can make out whether an offer is fake or too good to be true.
  2. Gauging whether buyers are genuine or not: As already discussed in the research part, knowing helps you in evaluating the credibility of the buyers. In the same way, the valuation of your motorcycle also helps you identify whether a buyer is true to his word or not. How? When a buyer offers you a price, you can easily make out how close it is to the actual value of your motorcycle.
  3. Cracking a profitable deal: Once you know the right value of your motorcycle, you won’t agree with a dollar less than its value. Eventually, you would end up getting the best value for your motorcycle.

Research, research, and research. That’s the most important part. So, remember, if you want to earn top dollar for your motorcycle, then take a break. First equip yourself with knowledge, and then proceed to sell a motorcycle.

If you are interested in earning a good amount of money by selling a motorcycle and understanding of what my motorcycle is worth, then you must visit The Bike Buyers. This company is highly experienced and reputed. It offers quality services to its clients.

Read commonly asked queries on selling a motorcycle

  1. Sell my motorcycle: What strategy did you use to sell your bike?
  2. Best way to sell a motorcycle for top dollar
  3. How to sell my motorcycle at the same price?
  4. How to sell my motorcycle for best value?
  5. Should I sell my motorcycle or keep it?
sell your motorcycle

There is a common question among motorcycle owners. Will I be able to earn enough while selling a motorcycle? They pose this question because they know the condition of their motorcycle. Keeping it in their garage only adds to their trouble. The mileage decreases and so performs. In such a scenario, it is difficult for the owner to comprehend the worth of their motorcycle. However, the reality is a bit different. While the owner might not realize the value of his motorcycle, there might be someone who desperately requires one.

Many people don’t have enough budget to buy a brand-new motorcycle. As such they are willing to spend less money on a used motorcycle and get it repaired. If the owner can locate and identify such buyers, then there is a high chance that he may be able to extract top dollar by selling a motorcycle to them. However, the work does not end here. Even if the buyer is identified, a lot has to be done before earning a good value for the motorcycle. First, the owner will have to properly research the market for used motorcycles.

By doing so, he will be equipped with enough knowledge to properly negotiate with the buyer. Since the owner will have a decent idea about the market price of the motorcycle, he will be able to identify whether the offer put forward by the buyer is genuine or not. Besides, the owner won’t be lured by offers that seem too good to be true. In a nutshell, having prior knowledge about used motorcycles is the recipe for success.

Tips to ensure high value for your motorcycle?

Used motorcycles are difficult to sell at a higher price. However, if you are well prepared in advance, then you can make the most out of your motorcycle. All you will need to is to follow few steps as mentioned under:

Properly research the market for used motorcycles

As already discussed, prior research helps the owner in the negotiation process. He is already prepared for the manipulations that might be adopted by the buyer. This helps the owner in cracking a profitable deal by effectively persuading the buyer to pay top dollars.

Get your motorcycle ready

Before you enter into the negotiation to sell a motorcycle, make sure that your motorcycle is clean and free from dirt. Even if the motorcycle is old, the buyer expects it to be in a presentable condition. It helps. The buyer is elated on seeing a well-maintained motorcycle and may readily accept the offer put forward by the owner.

Arrange for necessary repair work

If the condition of your motorcycle is still good, but it needs basic repair work, then get it done. If the buyer finds any significant fault in the motorcycle, he may reject the offer.

Always accept the payment in cash

After you sell your motorcycle to the buyer, make sure to ask him to pay the entire amount in cash and on the spot. This is highly recommended as any other form of payment cannot be trusted especially with seasoned buyers. They are looking for a single opportunity to dupe the owner. Do not hand over your motorcycle till you receive the entire amount in your hand.

Selling a motorcycle can be an exciting adventure with a profitable ending if you follow the recommendations of experts. Be confident and informed. Rest assured, you will attain top dollar by the end of the deal.

To earn top dollar by selling a motorcycle, you will have to contact The Bike Buyers, as they are the best company across the United States. With plenty of experience in this industry, the company offers the best services to its clients.

Read commonly asked queries on selling a motorcycle

  1. Sell my motorcycle: What strategy did you use to sell your bike?
  2. Best way to sell a motorcycle for top dollar
  3. How to sell my motorcycle at the same price?
  4. How to sell my motorcycle for best value?
  5. Should I sell my motorcycle or keep it?
sell your motorcycle

Given a choice, would you choose wastage over profit? Not even once. The same goes for keeping a motorcycle and selling a motorcycle. Keeping only adds to your never-ending woes. Selling a motorcycle helps you earn top dollar. While keeping it would add burden to your wallet, selling it will make it heavier. The choice is yours. The reason why most of the buyers are skeptical over selling a motorcycle is that they don’t have any prior experience and are not about its value. However, even a naïve person can earn enough money if he is prepared in advance. Prepared in terms of knowledge of the market. Prepared in terms of the negotiation strategy. Prepared in terms of understanding the procedures and formalities of transactions. Besides, if you sell your motorcycle and earn top dollar from it, you will have enough cash in your hand which you can spend on buying a new model. Even if buying a new motorcycle is not falling in your budget, selling a motorcycle might solve the purpose.

Steps to selling a motorcycle

As mentioned above, understanding the process to sell a motorcycle is one of the keys to a successful negotiation. Having a fair amount of ideas regarding the formalities will help you prepare in advance. Here are listed some important steps that you will need to carry out when selling a motorcycle:

Getting your motorcycle and the documents ready:

  1. Get your motorcycle cleaned and washed: It just requires a light wash and slight rubbing and bingo! Your motorcycle is shining. Even if it requires a bit of your effort, it doesn’t go in vain. A well-maintained motorcycle leaves a lasting impression on the buyer.
  2. Arrange for the repairs: If you feel that your motorcycle needs basic repair works, then get them done. Nobody likes to buy a motorcycle which is not working properly even if it is a used one. Although it might cost you a bit, it will compensate later on in the negotiation process.
  3. Properly research the market for used motorcycles: A well-informed owner is a good negotiator. If you feel that you can just contact a buyer and start negotiating, then give it a second thought. The negotiation process is highly tiring and difficult. However, if you are prepared in advance, it becomes a lot easier.
  4. Set a selling price before-hand: All buyers tend to bargain a bit. It’s in their nature. Don’t worry about it. Simply put your selling price slightly higher than your expectation. This will provide you with enough margin during negotiation.

Properly negotiate with the buyers:

  1. Check the credibility of the buyers: If you don’t want to fall in the trap of the scammers, then you must be very considerate about evaluating the credibility of the buyers. You can either read their profile description or thoroughly analyze client reviews.
  2. Arrange a face to face meeting: Best negotiations are made in person and hence, you must arrange a face to face meeting with the buyer. This way, you will discuss the important terms and conditions of the transaction process.
  3. Make arrangements for a test drive: The buyers are usually interested in getting a feel for your motorcycle. For that, you will have to arrange a test drive for them. Selecting a place for the test drive is highly important. You must finalize a spot that is accident-free. However, such places tend to be deserted. Any scammer might take advantage and may try to threaten you. As a thumb rule, ask some of your friends to accompany you for support.
  4. Accept payment in cash: Once you have closed the deal, the buyer will pay you the amount either in cash or via some other method. However, even if the buyer insists, only accept the payment in cash. Besides, ask the buyer to pay the entire amount on the spot. While you may be in a hurry to sell your motorcycle, small last-minute haste can cost enough money to rue in the future. Most of the buyers, who promise to pay the amount in future seldom show up leaving you frustrated with partial money.

So, if you still feel that you cannot earn enough money by selling a motorcycle, shed the idea. Contact the buyers immediately to start your transaction process.

Earning top dollar by selling a motorcycle is much convenient and profitable when you deal with This company has years of experience and is highly reputed across the United States. With trained personnel at its disposal, it provides top quality services to its clients.

Read commonly asked queries on selling a motorcycle

  1. Sell my motorcycle: What strategy did you use to sell your bike?
  2. Best way to sell a motorcycle for top dollar
  3. How to sell my motorcycle at the same price?
  4. How to sell my motorcycle for best value?
  5. Should I sell my motorcycle or keep it?